Editorial Policies

1. Focus and Scope

The Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management (JATM), formerly the Tropical Technology Journal, is the official refereed international journal of the Cebu Technological University. It publishes original articles, reviews, case studies, and short communications bi-annually in the various fields of agriculture and related technology, including engineering, veterinary medicine, animal science, fisheries, plant sciences, and food sciences. The journal is interested in articles that demonstrate the interactions of agricultural science and technology with approaches and implications in the application and management of these technologies and systems.

2. Open access agreement

Upon publication, the author/s retain ownership of the copyright of their articles. However, the author/s permit the institution to make their articles accessible and available as widely as possible. Thus, the author/s permit any user to freely download, print out, extract, reuse, archive, and distribute the article for non-commercial use as long as appropriate credit is given to the author/s and the journal as sources of the work.

3. Submission of Research Papers

Authors are expected to conform to the Author’s Guide in Preparing Manuscript.

Upon submission, author/s should indicate that they have not submitted the article for publication elsewhere. On the first page of the article, the author should state that: “This article has not been published or simultaneously submitted for publication consideration in any other journals”.

The Journal of Agriculture and Technology Management do not charge authors any fee for submitting and publishing their manuscripts.

4. Plagiarism and Grammar Checking

Upon submission to the official Online Journal System (OJS) website of JATM, the article will undergo a plagiarism and grammar check using the software Turnitin and Grammarly to ensure the quality of the article.

5. Peer-review Process

A submitted article will be initially evaluated by the Managing Editor for suitability of the article to the journal scope. If deemed suitable, the article will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief and/or Associate Editors for content review before it will be subjected to a double-blind review process by at least two experts in the field.

First-round review process will take at least eight (8) weeks.  The article will be returned to the author/s with an initial editorial decision together with the comments, suggestions, and recommendations from the reviewers. The author shall revise his/her article at the soonest possible time (not more than eight weeks). The revised article must be accompanied by a revision note addressing carefully the points or comments raised by the reviewers. Upon receipt of the revised article, it will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief for further action until acceptance/rejection decision of the article.

6. Confidentiality & Privacy Statement

Editors and reviewers are required to treat all submitted articles in strict confidentiality. The names and email addresses of the reviewers of this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purposes and parties. 

7. Publication Ethics

Authors are expected to comply with the best practice in publication ethics specifically with regards to the consensus on authorship, avoidance of ghost or guest authorship, dual submission, manipulation of figures, conflicting interests and compliance with the journal policies. Reviewers and Editors are required to treat articles fairly and in strict confidentiality.