Manuscript should be prepared containing the following: Title, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment and References. Citations should consist of articles published in CHED-Accredited or WoS/Scopus and other peer-reviewed journals.
Manuscript should be typed in 12 font size and in Calibri. Margins should be 1 inch on all sides. Pagination should start from Title Page consecutively towards the end of the whole paper; and each page should have a number line.
The Title Page should include the authors’ complete name (first name then followed by the last name. Also include the middle initial, if possible), email address, and telephone and fax numbers of affiliations.
The first page should include the following statement: “This paper has not been submitted for publication in other journals”.
The Abstract should not exceed 250 words and should contain at least 5 keywords.
Numbers should be spelled out when it is used at the beginning of the sentence.
Acronyms or unfamiliar abbreviations should also be spelled out when it is mentioned for the first time in the text.
Scientific name of the species in italicized form should be given when it is first mentioned in the text and a common name shall be used in the succeeding sentences.
The metric system should only be used. Use abbreviations of units only beside numerals (e.g. 5 m); otherwise, spell out the units (e.g. meters from here). Do not use plural forms nor periods for abbreviations of units. Use the bar for compound units (e.g. 10 km/hr). Place a zero before the decimal in numbers less than 1 (e.g. 0.5).
Titles of Tables and captions of Figures should be short and understandable without referring to the text.
Graphs should not be enclosed in a box and has no horizontal grid lines; while tables have no vertical lines. Horizontal lines in the table are only for the table heading, top line and bottom line. Each table should be labeled at the top with an Arabic numeral followed by the table title.
References should be cited in APA style (author, year format). Cite three or more authors as (first author et al., year), references in press as (author, in press) and unpublished references as (author, unpubl. data or author, pers. comn.). If two or more references are cited, arrange them by year (e.g. Alcala 1987; Asakawa 1990; Santos 1992).
Electronic articles are cited, as follows:
Electronic Book
Rollin, B. E. The unheeded cry: animal consciousness, animal pain, and science [Internet]. Ames (IA): The lowa State University Press; 1998 [cited 2007 August 27]. Available from:
Electronic Article (Journal Publisher’s Website)
Leng, F., Amado, L., and McMacken, R. (2004). Coupling DNA supercoiling to transcription in d fined protein systems. Journal of Biological Chemistry [Internet]. [cited 2007 July 24]; 279(46):47564-47571. Available from
Electronic Article (From Online Journal)
Hong, P. and Wong, W. (2005). GeneNotes: a novel information management software for biologists. BMC Bioinformatics [Internet]. [cited 2007 July 24]; Available from: